I dislike gyms. Most often they remind me of factories with their heavy machinery. Nice-looking, inviting gym interiors are rare. Even if there was one close to my home or my workplace I would probably opt out of the extra commute. Don’t get me wrong, I am fit. I just don’t like to go to a designated place to stay that way. As I am probably not the only person who prefers working out without going to the gym, I put together some tips and resources below.
How and why to ditch diet culture with Intuitive Eating
Diet culture makes us believe that only a thin body is a good body – okay, super-ripped is fine as well. We are obsessed with looking the right way and try to control our weight accordingly. Exercise is just another piece of the puzzle here. It has nothing to do with having fun in diet culture. Working out is for looking better.
Ideas to make your wardrobe more sustainable and maintain your style
Like many, I was horrified to learn how ugly the fashion business can really get against people and the environment. What now? I was overwhelmed by all the information available and all the information that was still missing. Where could I shop to protect workers and the environment? What was okay, what wasn’t? In the following, I’ve collected some best practices. They are by no means comprehensive and I will update this post from time to time with new insights.